Malmesbury One Act Play Festival 1992


Entered in the Malmesbury One Act Play Festival 1992.

Awarded the David Garnet Shield for the Best Youth Group.

Alun Davies was awarded the James Toogood Trophy for the Most Promising Person Under 21.

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Ernie Alan Davies
Dad John Sinkinson
Mum Penny Pratt
Doctor Sarah Richards
Receptionist Lauri Bowden
Tramp Rosie Pratt
Officer Katie Gale
Auntie May Felicity Galvin
1st Barker Alice Richards
2nd Barker Carly Bowden
3rd Barker Sadie Burris
4th Barker Charlotte Galvin
Referee Gemma Butt
Time keeper Louise Sinkinson
Second Karen Pressy
Man Charlotte Vickery
Woman Polly Vickery
Kid Saracen Nicholas Clarke
Eddie Edwards Mark Sargent
Ladie - Library Sadie Burris
Attendant James Boyce
Librarian Victoria Strachan
2nd Librarian Charlotte Galvin
Man in Makintosh Darren Smith
Production Team
Ann Aplin
Jenny Pratt
Joyce Richards
Maureen Chapman
Mike Wills
David Smith
Zoe Smith
Kelly Burns


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