Avon One Act Drama Festival 1985


Noah's Flood was entered in the Avon One Act Drama Festival at the Hanham Folk Centre, Hanham, on 27th February 1985.

Awarded the Denning Award for Youth, an encouragement award.

Related Productions


Noah's Flood
God Jessica Naish
Noah Elizabeth Aplin
Shem Kate Millward
Ham Alyse Strachan
Japhet Sarah Marshall
Noah's Wife Joanne Smith
Shem's Wife Emma Cook
Ham's Wife Rhiannon Spare
Japhet's Wife Eleanor Spare
Jane Cutts
Helen Powell
Felicity Percy
Louise Millward
Joanne Lawry
Natasha Pearce
Raven Felicity Bate
Dove Victoria Cook
Animals 21 other children
The Shepherds
Hankin Felicity Percy
Symm Joanne Lawry
Tud Jane Cutts
Trowle Samantha Lawry
Angel Louise Millward
Mary Samantha Bate
Joseph Natasha Pearce
King Herod
King Herod Kate Millward
Sir Waradrake James Elston
Sir Grimball Launcher James Keetley
Mary Sarah Spaull
Joseph Natahsa Pearce
Angel Louise Millward
1st Woman Jane Cutts
2nd Woman Elizabeth Aplin
Devil Steven Butt
Piano Elizabeth Wright
Stage Manager Steve Birch
Costumes Ann Aplin


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